Parameters ---------- Here is the full list of configuration parameters you can specify in a ``config.json`` file. **country**: string The `OSM QA Tile `_ extract to download. The string should be a country matching a one of the options in ``label_maker/countries.txt`` **bounding_box**: list of floats The bounding box to create images from. This should be given in the form: ``[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]`` as longitude and latitude values between ``[-180, 180]`` and ``[-90, 90]``, respectively. Values should use the WGS84 datum, with longitude and latitude units in decimal degrees. **geojson**: string An input file containing a `GeoJSON FeatureCollection` representing labels. Adding this parameter will override the values in the ``country`` and ``bounding_box`` parameters. **zoom**: int The `zoom level `_ used to create images. This functions as a rough proxy for resolution. Value should be given as an int on the interval [0, 19]. **classes**: list of dicts The training classes. Each class is defined as dict object with two required keys: **name**: string The class name. **filter**: list of strings A `Mapbox GL Filter `_ to define any vector features matching this class. Filters are applied with the standalone `featureFilter `_ from Mapbox GL JS. **buffer**: int Optional paramter to buffer labels in ``'object-detection'`` and ``'segmentation'`` tasks by an arbitrary number of pixels. Accepts both positive and negative integers. It uses `Shapely object.buffer `_ to calculate the final geometry. You can verify that your buffer options create the desired labels by inspecting the files created in ``data/labels/`` after running the ``label-maker labels`` command. **imagery**: string Label Maker expects to receive imagery tiles that are 256 x 256 pixels. You can specific the source of the imagery with one of: - A template string for a tiled imagery service. Note that you will generally need an API key to obtain images and there may be associated costs. The above example requires a `Mapbox access token `_. Also see `OpenAerialMap `_ for open imagery. The access token for TMS image formats can be read from an environment variable ``'{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN}'`` or added directly the imagery string. - A GeoTIFF file location. Works with local files: ``''`` - Remote files like a `WMS endpoint `_ ``GetMap`` request. Fill out all necessary parameters except ``bbox`` which should be set as ``{bbox}``. Ex: .. code-block:: none '{bbox}' **http_auth**: list Optional parameter to specify a username and password for restricted WMS services. For example, ``['my_username', 'my_password']``. **background_ratio**: float Specify how many background (or "negative") training examples to create. Label Maker will generate ``background_ratio`` times the number of images matching the total number class tiles. **ml_type**: string One of ``'classification'``, ``'object-detection'``, or ``'segmentation'``. This defines the output format for the final label numpy arrays (``y_train`` and ``y_test``). ``'classification'`` Output is an array of ``len(classes) + 1``. Each array value will be either 1 or 0 based on whether it matches the class at the same index. The additional array element belongs to the background class, which will always be the first element. ``'object-detection'`` Output is an array of bounding boxes of the form ``[xmin, ymin, width, height, class_index]``. In this case, the values are pixel values measured from the upper left-hand corner (not latitude and longitude values). Each feature is tested against each class, so if a feature matches two or more classes, it will have the corresponding number of bounding boxes created. ``'segmentation'`` Output is an array of shape ``(256, 256)`` with values matching the class index label at that position. The classes are applied sequentially according to ``config.json`` so latter classes will be written over earlier class labels if there is overlap. **seed**: int Random generator seed. Optional, use to make results reproducible. **split_vals**: list Default: ``[0.8, 0.2]`` Percentage of data to put in each category listed in split_names. Must be a list of floats that sum to one and match the length of ``split-names``. For train, validate, and test data, a list like ``[0.7, 0.2, 0.1]`` is suggested. **split_names**: list Default: ``['train', 'test']`` List of names for each subset of the data. Length of list must match length of ``split_vals``. **imagery_offset**: list of ints An optional list of integers representing the number of pixels to offset imagery. For example ``[15, -5]`` will move the images 15 pixels right and 5 pixels up relative to the requested tile bounds. **tms_image_format**: string An option string that has the downloaded imagery's format such as ``.jpg`` or ``.png`` when it isn't provided by the endpoint **over_zoom**: int An integer greater than 0. If set for XYZ tiles, it will fetch tiles from ``zoom`` + ``over_zoom``, to create higher resolution tiles which fill out the bounds of the original zoom level. **band_indices**: list Default: ``[1, 2, 3]`` A list of band indices to pull from a TIF. Using the `SpaceNet Roads Challenge Data `_ as an example, you can use ``[5, 3, 2, 7]`` to extract the Red, Green, Blue, and NIR bands respectively.