Building a Safer Future


With International Finance Corporation

The Building Resilience Index (BRI) is a vital tool for safer infrastructure in a world increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters exacerbated by climate change. Jointly developed with the International Finance Corporation, BRI provides an intuitive, web-based framework for assessing and enhancing global building resilience. It’s an essential resource, empowering developers, governments, and financial institutions to navigate and mitigate natural disaster risks effectively.


As climate change intensifies, resilient infrastructure has never been more critical. Launched in 2021 in partnership with the International Finance Corporation, the Building Resilience Index offers a comprehensive, self-declarative system for evaluating and enhancing building resilience worldwide. Covering a spectrum of hazards - from wind and water to fire and seismic activities - it is a crucial tool for developers, governments, and financial institutions, providing detailed insights and practical measures to combat natural disaster impact on construction practices and policies.


A glaring gap is the lack of a comprehensive, easy-to-use system for assessing resilience to climate-induced disasters. Regions like the Philippines and the Caribbean, often devastated by natural calamities, lack the necessary tools for evaluating and improving infrastructure safety. This leads to repeated, costly rebuilding.


The Building Resilience Index has successfully filled this void, providing a robust, scalable solution implemented in multiple countries. Its standardized, self-declarative rating system has revolutionized construction projects, enabling better-informed investment decisions by banks and insurance companies. It also incentivizes building owners and developers to include risk mitigation strategies in their designs. As a result, the BRI has emerged as an indispensable tool in global efforts to foster safer, more resilient communities in an era of increasing climate threats.

Project's assessment form. Based on the answers of the questions, the page shows the general rating of the project and the rating by hazard category.

Image showing the volcano locations (pink circles), tsunami risk (black points), and earthquake intensity (color gradient).

Hazard schema editor

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