Access and mosaic Planet NICFI monthly basemaps

A guide for accessing monthly Planet NICFI basemaps, selecting data by a defined AOI and mosaicing to produce a single image.

You will need a configuration file named planet_api.cfg (simple text file with .cfg extension will do) to run this notebook. It should be located in your My Drive folder.

The contents of the file should reflect the template below, swapping in the API access key that you should have receieved once you signed up for and subscribed to the Planet NICFI program. Please visit to sign up if you have not already.

api_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Setup Notebook

Version control

Colab updates without warning to users, which can cause notebooks to break. Therefore, we are pinning library versions.

!pip install -q rasterio==1.2.10
!pip install -q geopandas==0.10.2
!pip install -q shapely==1.8.0
# import required libraries
import os, glob, functools, fnmatch, requests, json
from zipfile import ZipFile
from itertools import product
from configparser import ConfigParser
import urllib.request

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid'] = False
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,12)

import rasterio
from rasterio.merge import merge
from rasterio.plot import show
import geopandas as gpd
from folium import Map, GeoJson, Figure
from shapely.geometry import box

from IPython.display import clear_output
print("rasterio version: ", rasterio.__version__, "| geopandas version: ", gpd.__version__)
# set your root directory and tiled data folders
if 'google.colab' in str(get_ipython()):
    # mount google drive
    from google.colab import drive
    root_dir = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/servir-tf-devseed/' 
    workshop_dir = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/servir-tf-devseed-workshop'
    print('Running on Colab')
    root_dir = os.path.abspath("./data/servir-tf-devseed")
    workshop_dir = os.path.abspath('./servir-tf-devseed-workshop')
    print(f'Not running on Colab, data needs to be downloaded locally at {os.path.abspath(root_dir)}')

if (not os.path.isdir(workshop_dir)):
terrabio_dir = os.path.join(workshop_dir,'terrabio')
rami_dir = os.path.join(workshop_dir,'rami')
# Make subdirectories for each project
dirs = [terrabio_dir, rami_dir]
for dir in dirs:
  if not os.path.exists(dir):
# Go to root folder
%cd $workshop_dir

GCS note!

We won’t be using Google Cloud Storage to download data, but here is a code snippet to show how to practically do so with the RAMI “Blocks” gridded AOI shapefile. This code works if you have access to the “servirtensorflow” project on GCP.

#authenticate Google Cloud Storage
from google.colab import auth
print("Authenticated Google Gloud access.")

# Imports the Google Cloud client library
from import storage

# Instantiates a client
project = 'servirtensorflow'
storage_client = storage.Client(project=project)

# The name for the new bucket
bucket_name = "dev-seed-workshop"

rami_data_dir = os.path.join(rami_dir,'/data/')
rami_gcs_to_local_dir = os.path.join(rami_data_dir,'gcs/')
prefix = 'rami/data/Blocks/'
local_dir = os.path.join(rami_gcs_to_local_dir,'Blocks/')
dirs = [rami_data_dir, rami_gcs_to_local_dir, local_dir]
for dir in dirs:
  if not os.path.exists(dir):

bucket_name = "dev-seed-workshop"
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blobs = bucket.list_blobs(prefix=prefix)  # Get list of files
for blob in blobs:
    filename ='/', '_') 
    filename_split = os.path.splitext(filename)
    filename_zero, fileext = filename_split
    basename = os.path.basename(filename_zero)
    filename = 'Blocks'
    blob.download_to_filename(os.path.join(local_dir, "%s%s" % (basename, fileext)))   # Download 
    print(blob, "%s%s" % (basename, fileext))


<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.cpg, 1637264951785014>
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.cpg, 1637264951785014> Blocks.cpg
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.dbf, 1637264951817858>
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.dbf, 1637264951817858> Blocks.dbf
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.fix, 1637264951832266>
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.fix, 1637264951832266> Blocks.fix
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.prj, 1637264951801837>
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.prj, 1637264951801837> Blocks.prj
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.shp, 1637264951794288>
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.shp, 1637264951794288> Blocks.shp
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.shx, 1637264951768348>
<Blob: dev-seed-workshop, rami/data/Blocks/Blocks/Blocks.shx, 1637264951768348> Blocks.shx

Get search parameters

  • Read the AOI from the shared google drive folder into a Geopandas dataframe.

  • Get AOI bounds and centroid.

  • Authenticate with Planet NICFI API key.

  • Choose mosaic based on month/year of interest.

# Load the shapefile into a geopandas dataframe (for more info see:
gdf = gpd.read_file(os.path.join(root_dir,'Blocks', 'Blocks.shp'))
# Get AOI bounds
bbox_peru = gdf.geometry.total_bounds
# Get AOI centroid for plotting with folium
centroid_peru = [box(*bbox_peru).centroid.x, box(*bbox_peru).centroid.y]
# authenticate with Planet NICFI API KEY
config = ConfigParser()
configFilePath = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/planet_api.cfg'
with open(configFilePath) as f:
API_KEY = config.get('credentials', 'api_key')
PLANET_API_KEY = API_KEY # <= insert API key here 
#setup Planet base URL
API_URL = ""
#setup session
session = requests.Session()
session.auth = (PLANET_API_KEY, "") #<= change to match variable for API Key if needed


In the following cell, the name__is parameter is the basemap name. It is only differentiable by the time range in the name.

E.g. planet_medres_normalized_analytic_2021-08_mosaic is for August, 2021.

#set params for search using name of mosaic
parameters = {
    "name__is" :"planet_medres_normalized_analytic_2021-08_mosaic" # <= customized to month/year of interest
#make get request to access mosaic from basemaps API
res = session.get(API_URL, params = parameters)
#response status code
#print metadata for mosaic
mosaic = res.json()
#print("mosaic metadata (this will expose your API key so be careful about if/where you uncomment this line): ", json.dumps(mosaic, indent=2))
#get id
mosaic_id = mosaic['mosaics'][0]['id']
#get bbox for entire mosaic
mosaic_bbox = mosaic['mosaics'][0]['bbox']
print("mosaic_bbox: ", mosaic_bbox)
print("bbox_peru: ", bbox_peru)
#converting bbox to string for search params
string_bbox = ','.join(map(str, bbox_peru))

print('Mosaic id: ', mosaic_id)

Plot the gridded AOI.

m = Map(tiles="Stamen Terrain",
        location = centroid_peru,
        zoom_start = 10,
        max_zoom = 8,
        min_zoom =6,
        width = '100%',
        height = '100%',
        zoom_control=False )
Figure(width=500, height=300).add_child(m)

Request the quad tiles fitting the search parameters

#search for mosaic quad using AOI
search_parameters = {
    'bbox': string_bbox,
    'minimal': True
#accessing quads using metadata from mosaic
quads_url = "{}/{}/quads".format(API_URL, mosaic_id)
res = session.get(quads_url, params=search_parameters, stream=True)
quads = res.json()
quads = res.json()
items = quads['items']
#printing an example of quad metadata
#print("quad tiles metadata (this will expose your API key so be careful about if/where you uncomment this line): ", json.dumps(items[0], indent=2))

Plot the requested quad tiles.

for item, i in zip(items, range(len(items))):
  quad_box = item["bbox"]
Figure(width=500, height=300).add_child(m)
# Set directory for downloading the quad tiles to
nicfi_dir = os.path.join(rami_dir,'082021_basemap_nicfi_lapampa/') 
quads_dir = os.path.join(nicfi_dir,'quads/')
dirs = [nicfi_dir, quads_dir]
for dir in dirs:
  if not os.path.exists(dir):
#iterate over quad download links and saving to folder by id
for i in items:
    link = i['_links']['download']
    name = i['id']
    name = name + '.tiff'
    DIR = quads_dir
    filename = os.path.join(DIR, name)

    #checks if file already exists before s
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, filename)

Mosaic the quad tiles

# File and folder paths
out_mosaic = os.path.join(nicfi_dir,'082021_basemap_nicfi_lapampa_Mosaic.tif')

# Make a search criteria to select the quad tile files
search_criteria = "*.tiff"
q = os.path.join(nicfi_dir,'quads', search_criteria)

# Get all of the quad tiles
quad_files = glob.glob(q)
src_files_to_mosaic = []
for f in quad_files:
  src =
# Create the mosaic
mosaic, out_trans = merge(src_files_to_mosaic)
out_meta = src.meta.copy()
out_meta.update({"driver": "GTiff",
                 "height": mosaic.shape[1],
                 "width": mosaic.shape[2],
                 "transform": out_trans
# Write the mosaic to raster file
with, "w", **out_meta) as dest:

Plot the mosaic

src =
