
Filter by property or geometry

  • It filters features by given property or geometry and it will generate a new GeoJSON files with the filtered features.
--geojson_input yes Path to GeoJSON to process.
--mode_filter yes Filtering mode:
- by_properties: filter by given properties.
- by_properties_strict: features must have all given properties to filter.
- by_geometry: filter by given geometry type.
--props yes Property/Geometry to filter. In case of properties, they can be: key=value or key=*.
--mode_output no Output mode:
- merged: all features in one file
- by_props: features in each file according filtered properties.
- by_geometry: features in each file according the filtered geometries.
Defaul value: merged.
--geojson_output yes Path to GeoJSON output.


GeoJSON file - Different GeoJSON files according the output mode that contains the filtered features.

Command line:

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/mnt/data developmentseed/geokit:python.latest geo \
    fc_filter \
    --geojson_input=<INPUT_GEOJSON> \
    --mode_filter=by_properties \
    --props=key1=value1 \
    --props=key2=value2 \
    --mode_output=by_props \

Use case:

  • Filter by property: From a set of different features in a GeoJSON file, filter only buildings.


  • Filter by geometry: From a set of different types of features in a GeoJSON file, filter only LineString type.
